Monday, March 22, 2010


Back to feeling 100% again after Saturday's events. Even Sunday, I felt lingering effects of the dehydration...a little dizzy. Mostly I was just starving all day considering my net calorie intake for Saturday was a grand total of 240*. At lunch, I had a full meal at Nickel Plate then still managed to eat a medium sized chocolate brownie chunk hurricane from Handel's...quite possibly the best ice cream ever. (Actually National Geographic did rate it the best ice cream on the planet!)

Today I missed my normal lunch break exercise at work due to a doctor's appointment. I didn't even teach any group fitness classes today, leaving me with a choice of skipping my workout altogether or coming home and working out at our apartment fitness center. (It was way too rainy and cold to do anything outdoors.) Again, some of you may find it hard to believe that I have to muster up that much motivation to come home and workout, but since exercise is just a built-in part of my job, when I miss a workout during the day, it's going WAY out of my routine to get one in past 7pm. Working out on weekends is definitely something I'm not used to, but as you've seen, I'm at the point with training runs where I need to devote more than an hour to my workout--and explore new running terrains other than the goose-poop-covered trail around the pond at work.

So, my small, mundane victory of the day was that I did come home and workout. I made it a cardio cross-training day and did 45-minutes on the elliptical. Does anyone out there have a great apartment fitness center?? Ours is small (which most are), doesn't have the greatest equipment (most don't), and there is ALWAYS either: a stinky guy who smells like a mixture of BO and cologne, both equally as strong, or that macho guy who is just trying way too least for a tiny fitness center with only one bench.

*When/if I ever track calories for my daily food intake, I use an application on the iphone called "Lose It." When I want to track calories burned during a workout, I use my heart rate monitor (Polar RS 200). I also highly recommend Spark People online if you're interested in keeping a daily log of food and exercise--very user-friendly for balancing calories in versus calories out, keeping you on track with either weight loss or weight maintenance goals. (No, unfortunately I'm not getting paid for any of these advertisements!)

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