Saturday, March 20, 2010

Run #3...What???

Now we're in real-time since the run I will be writing about happened today. And I have full faith this will be the most interesting of my training runs for two reasons....

I told Chad my plan was to run 8 miles outdoors, and I was having trouble picking a route since I don't know any exact mileage of the streets around our neighborhood in Fishers. He suggested a loop we have done before on our bikes--down Lantern Road and into a neighborhood that has a small scale workout park--things such as bars for dips and pull-ups which, by the way, is the site of those incredible 3 pull-ups I mentioned in the first post! According to Chad, who had looked the mileage up before, a loop of going from our apartment to that workout park and back was 1.33 miles. If I did this 6 times, that would give me exactly 8 miles. The idea of repeating a loop 6 times seemed boring (and at times it was) but since it was mileage I knew, I was going to use that plan. For future runs, I plan to map out more exciting runs before the day of.

I took off down Lantern Road on this first day of spring, Saturday, March 20. The weather was truly beautiful--sunny, nice cloud cover at times, 55-60 degrees and breezy. Right up my alley :) The first 2 miles always prove to be the hardest for me, especially outdoors, because as I am getting into the grove and establishing a pace, my knees/ankles/shins are in pain. After 2 loops, I felt great. After 3 loops, I knew I was halfway done, at the 4 mile mark. At 5 loops, I was excited to only have one loop left, however my knees were very achy and my shoulder blades were as well. (After the mini last year, the worst pain I experienced after the run, much to my surprise, was in the back of my shoulders.) No matter how often I remembered to shake out my arms and keep a loose running posture, my shoulders throbbed at longer distances. I paused briefly before embarking on the last loop to stretch out my quads and alleviate some of the knee pain, as well as to stretch out my neck and shoulders. I also felt a little dizzy and flushed but chalked that up to it being a little hot outside at this point. I was on the final stretch back to my apartment when I saw Chad riding his bike to check on me:) I finished up the run, clipping along at a quick pace right behind his bike.

It was HARD. I felt pushed to my max at the end of this run, which was disappointing because, although it was the first outdoor long run, I could not fathom tacking on FIVE more miles in a month and a half. Another disappointing fact was that it had taken me 98 minutes. This meant I was running around 5.0 miles per hour (as opposed to my normal 6.0 on a treadmill)....gotta pick up that outdoor pace if I want to even come close to my time goal.

All this disappointment was washed away in an instant when Chad and I discovered a miscalculation. Using an online tool for mapping outdoor runs/bike rides, Chad asked me exactly the point where I started and finished all 6 of those loops. I heard him yell from the other room "Babe, you ran 10 miles." Incredulous, I ran into the room to see the computer screen myself and the route he had mapped out perfectly. There it was: 10.02 miles. Meaning a.) I skipped past running miles 8 and 9 as my plan laid out and jumped right to 10! No wonder it felt so hard and took so long! and b.) I averaged a 9.8 minute mile, running slightly faster than I run indoors on that nice comfy treadmill belt!! It's awesome what your body is capable of doing, even without your knowledge! I felt amazing!!

Amazing, that is, for a little while....I started to ice my knees which still throbbed and I also had a pretty good cramp in my left quad. No biggie. My head started to throb so I thought that I was really due for some post-run replenishment. Especially after 10 miles!! (For breakfast that morning, I had eaten oatmeal with sliced banana and a maple syrup drizzle and also about 3 cups of coffee--my Saturday morning ritual as I love to make a full French press of coffee and leisurely drink it all. In my defense, I did try to drink an equal amount of water to balance out the diuretic effects of coffee before I ran.)

So, I drank 2 full glasses of Crystal Light raspberry ice and had a tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat toast. I started to feel increasingly terrible, pounding headache right in the center of my forehead, blurry vision and seeing spots. The sunlight coming in our sliding doors was excruciating, and I realized as I was texting on my phone, I could barely see the letters. I went and laid down in our dark bedroom, on the floor. Chad brought me in an apple thinking that my blood sugar had to be low, so I ate that but didn't feel any symptoms subside. I crawled into bed but could not get comfortable. It felt like the hangover from hell...and trust me, there was no alcohol involved. I started to feel nauseous from the headache and blurred vision--the nausea came in strong waves and I felt like I could pass out lying down in bed! I called Chad, who had run out on errands, sounding a little frantic and told him to hurry home--I have just never felt this bent out of shape! When he got home, I had him grab my heart rate monitor so I could at least see if anything was wrong there...nope, perfect 68 bpm, very steady. And then, I threw up. A lot. (In a wire mesh trash can, which I don't recommend, but that's all that was handy!) And over the course of the next 2 hours, threw up 2 more times. A lot. Sorry Mom, for canceling our dinner plans!

Classic dehydration according to my own common sense...ok, and Google. Which would explain it feeling so distinctly like a hangover! Of all people to not hydrate enough before a run, and not hydrate at all during the run, the Health and Fitness Specialist should have known better.

Somewhere around 8pm (I finished the run at 2:50pm), I felt human enough to crawl out of bed. You can thank the episodes of today for giving me the inspiration to start this blog that had previously been just a fleeting idea. And now, at 10pm I feel thrilled again at the 10 miles and happy that spring has finally sprung!

Lessons of the run:
  • Accurately track your mileage! I got lucky in that I thought I was running less than I actually was, but it can also happen the other way around which can be a bummer! I recommend This website allows you to map a run, walk, bike ride, or even a triathlon course!
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! If you feel thirsty, you ARE. I ignored the fact that I was very thirsty during the second half of my run, when it would have been easy to take a tiny detour up to my apartment for some water.
  • Nothing beats Saltines, and a husband willing to drive to the nearest gas station for Gatorade. Have both handy!!
Favorite songs of the run (randomly played on ipod shuffle):
  • "River of Dreams" -Billy Joel
  • "I Need Love" -NSYNC
  • "Closing Time" -Semisonic (which fittingly came on as I began the last loop)
  • "I Kissed a Drunk Girl" -Something Corporate


  1. Have you used mapmyrun? The interface is a little annoying, but it's really handy. I would map my run ahead of time and then tell my husband that's where I would be.

    Great run!! No matter how far I run, the last mile is the hardest!!

  2. That's what we used the second second time we mapped that route and came up with the 10.02 miles. Some parts of it aren't so user-friendly but it IS handy!
