Saturday, March 20, 2010

Runs #1 and #2

My first 2 training runs were on the treadmill in the DAS gym. I'm an avid treadmill runner, which I know all you REAL runners out there frown upon. Yes, I know I'm not getting as "true" of a training run indoors as I would outside on pavement, but having battled shin splints and 2 cases of IT band syndrome (one of which was debilitating and stopped my running for about 4 months), sometimes, I just want to stick with the comforts of a nice, soft treadmill belt. Besides that, I'm a very fair-weather outdoor runner, literally. If it's cold, snowing, raining, about to rain, too hot, humid, etc., etc., I don't run outside. Running for me has always been about 50% physical challenge and 50% enjoyment....and I don't enjoy anything less than warm-and-dry-with-a-slight-breeze running weather:) And in response to all the people that think treadmill running is so dreadfully boring, if you got into music even half as much as I do, you would feel invigorated the whole time! I'm worthless without an ipod.

Since we're back-tracking a little bit, all I have to say is that my first training run, the 5 miles on February 27, was very average. This is a distance I run quite frequently, and I always say that 6 miles is my standard number for "I just want to get a good run in during my 1-hour lunch break." So, 5 miles was fairly easy, but being the first run of any distance since the BOSU dominated me, I didn't want to push my knee.

My next run, which was supposed to be the 6-miler, was on Friday, March 5. I was running back up at normal speed with no knee pain and when I got to 6 miles, I said "I could really run more than this, and I WANT to." So I did, that simple. I ran 7 and felt like I could have gone onto 8 but didn't since I was under time constraints.

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