Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Joy of Cross-Training

Since I didn't get in my usual exercise at work yesterday, Chad and I decided to go on a bike ride last night. It was only the third time I've been out on my bike since we bought them, since I've been so heavily into running and not much else lately. A great little strip of bike path can be found on 106th street between Hague and Allisonville Rd. It's all hills, which makes for a fun bike ride. One small section of it is wooded and has multiple wood bridges to ride over. All in all, we did a 6 mile ride. The problem I have with biking outside is that so far on the streets around Fishers, I have yet to actually feel like my heart rate is elevated enough for it to be called a good workout. Last night, with those hills, was the exception! For more details on the ride, copy and paste this link in your browser:

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